Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is this really happening?!

My period came at 30 days, rather than 40-45!! This is HUGE success! 

Fast forward to day, which is CD8!! 

My ovaries, and uterus are KILLING me today! 

Today I had my appointment for IUI. Signing papers, and learning what we need to do!! So, when I get a positive OPK, we go in for IUI the very next day!! I am beyond excited, and very nervous!! Steven is also super excited!! I truly feel this is our time, this is our turn, OUR time! We have waited for this, we deserve this! 

I am going to Sacramento in 2 weeks from today, and will be ovulating in approximately 1 week from today! Meaning I will be able to find out if I am prego just before I leave Sacramento!! I honestly do not plan on "announcing" until the second trimester, just because the 1st trimester, so many things can go wrong! It would be nice to tell my family in person, but I don't want to tell them before my husband, and I will not tell my husband over the phone! Decisions, decisions!! 

Also, if I get a smiley on CD13, that will be Steven and my 8 month wedding anniversary! The 2 OPK's I got were on CD14, and CD15, so it is possible. :) 

I cannot believe in about 1 week, we will be doing IUI....This will truly be our miracle baby! <3 

The fertility nurse was very happy, and eager for us to do IUI this cycle, rather than waiting!! All of our numbers are excellent! My thyroid, his SA, etc etc!! 

At first, I really wanted twins! But now the reality that it may happen due to IUI, it is pretty terrifying, and setting in!! I will be ecstatic, but probably pass out when I find out! It would be lots of fun to have 2 babies at one time, but also double everything! Double cries, double mess, double diapers, double EVERYTHING!! But, oh it would be so much fun to dress them up, one cuddle with mommy, one with daddy, us feeding them at the same time...I am just thinking too much into this!!  *Note to self: BREATHE!!*

The moments I cannot wait for the most, is seeing my husbands reaction to finding out I am pregnant, and then when he sees our baby for the first time on an ultrasound, and then his face when the baby is born!! And another moment that I cannot wait for at all, is them putting the baby skin to skin for the very first time!! 

Wow, reality never sounded so good, and exciting!! I am getting myself so worked up! In less than 1 year, we could be holding our baby! 

Now onto my pinterest to look through pregnancy announcements!! Here is a link to my baby board!! More to be added soon! <3 

Baby storming :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Is it really coming?!?!

I have been on an extreme high since getting my results of my progesterone level.....Until a couple days ago!! 

I have been cramping like crazy, every single day. At first I tried to be optimistic, and say hmmm... Maybe it is just implantation cramps?!?! So, to put my mind at ease, I googled it....
"Implantation cramps vs PMS cramps" (!!!!) Well, I read that people had the same EXACT cramping during implantation than PMSing. So, it of course is keeping me optimistic...

Well, I have to admit...I have been taking the cheapy pregnancy tests that I got with my OPK's from Ebay......Almost every single day!! Gahhh!!! This TWW is KILLING ME, and driving me INSANE. Of course, all of the tests have been negative...BUT, I have not gotten upset! Which I am proud of myself for....even though it sucks to keep seeing negative!! Grrr....

Tomorrow is 14 days since my positive OPK...But the OPK is just a predictor! Meaning that I ovulated a day or so after that! So, technically I still have a few more days to go! 

I am kinda with terms that I am not pregnant this cycle....I am not entirely okay with it, but I know the medication is working, so I know there is definitely hope!! 

Also, just have to throw a rant in here, of course!! So, there are 2 ladies at my work, who are super prego, that both smoke cigarettes!! One of the most painful things for me to witness going through infertility! My mom smoked with me, but c'mon....cigarettes are WAY worse with chemicals, preservatives, etc nowadays, then back then!!! It KILLS me!! I just feel SO disgusted, whenever I see them!! I would say something to them, but it would probably not end well, and from what I hear, the one will straight up tell you, she doesn't care!!! Okay, Rant over! :) 

Now nice, mushy stuff! 
I just am really thankful for having such a great husband!! I know he will be just as excited as I am, the day that we find out we are expecting a miracle, and I know he will be just as good of a daddy, as I a mother. He is a pain in the butt sometimes, but I know there isn't a thing he wouldn't for me, and our family!! I am so thankful for his work ethic, and working 12+ hours a night! It is so hard to sleep every night in an empty bed (Minus my lovely dixie, I would really go crazy without her), but I know he is doing this to support us, and to put a roof over my head, and I honestly could not be more thankful, or more proud of him!! I know I have said this before, but he is my rock!! I will probably have something about him in a lot of my blogs, as he is my husband, and I am much more emotional these days, and could not get through it without him....I could literally think of just how much he truly means to me, and how much I love him, and it brings tears to my eyes!! Now thats some deep feelings!! <3 Our love is insane!! Everything is passionate about us! I love you babe, and here is to forever and ever!! 

Just now, Blake shelton came on stage, and as soon as the music started playing, before he even started singing, I started crying!! The song "My eyes". Here, have a listen....Now don't cry like I did!! Gosh, I love my husband! <3 

We shall see AF is going to make an appearance....I am sure I will be posting when I know for sure that I am not pregnant...Maybe I am trying to use reverse psychology on myself! Oh man...This life!! This is craziness....

Goodnight everyone!! Thank you for the continued love and prayers, and support!! <3