Today I had my second therapy session with a really nice lady! She has lots of experience, and works closely with infertility, and the bariatric department!! Sounds perfect, right?!!
I really enjoy having hour long talks with someone who has lots of experience in both of the fields I struggle with....Weight, and infertility. It is a breath of fresh air to just let all my frustrations of the previous 2 weeks out, and let it go.

I have been able to let things go more easily, and not let others get the best of me!! I am focusing on myself, and my health, and my well being, and keeping my goal close to my heart, and always in my mind!! It is what fuels me!!
I also have been eating much much healthier!! Cucumbers have been my favorite!! When out to eat somewhere, which I have been trying to avoid, I opt for much healthier choices, such as a sandwich loaded with veggies, and fruit, over a hamburger and fries!! Always drinking water of course! My downfall has been sushi!! My goodness, that is my weekness!! Minus the rice, it is just veggies, and fish, so it can't be THAT bad, right?! I also don't like all the sushi drenched in sauces, so that's a plus side....
Post from today
Well, I emailed my Dr yesterday, letting her know that I am down 6lbs!! I only need 4 more to go before she is going to prescribe me medication!!!........Or so that is what we agreed on.....She emailed me back saying let her know when I am down the last 4, and she will CONSIDER it.......Are you kidding me?? "CONSIDER" it?!?!
Today I also walked about a mile and a quarter....It feels good to get a burn, and sweat, and be determined, and want something really bad!! I keep reminding myself of it throughout my walk when my calves are burning, and I want to just stop for a minute!
But what sucks is to feel like you are in the battle alone!!! My husband just doesn't get it, and it is frustrating me!!!
I was doing very well Thursday, but then after that is was all downhill! I am getting discouraged, but determined to keep going!!! I just wish I felt differently!!
My husband and I have also picked out the names for our future baby!! I almost wish I had twins, 1 boy, 1 girl so that I could use both of the names we picked because I love them so much!!
This post is really all over the place, but I just have so many thoughts going in and out of my head...I hope all of this subsides, and I feel "normal" tomorrow!!
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